The Officers of the College
The current Officers of the College, appointed for life, are:
Perpignan King of Arms & Chronicler (President)
H.H. don Stephen Screech SGDC GrCollMOC KSG, Prince of Monte Sant’Angelo
Aragon King of Arms & Chronicler
Rt. Rev. Dom Thomas Regan OSB GC MOC, tit. Abbot of San Bartolomeo di Lipari
Sicily King of Arms & Chronicler
H.E. Rt. Rev. Fr. Don Guy Selvester GC MOC tit. Abbot of San Leone di Pannachio
Paternò King of Arms emeritus
H.H. don Marcello Coccuccio SGDC GrCollMOC, Prince of Blangiardi
Ayerbe Herald
H.E. Don Maurizio Fantato GC MOC Conte di San Vito
Catalonia Herald
H.E. Don Patrick Walesby MJ MOC Baron of Sant’Andrea
Catania Herald
H.E. Don Andrew Jamieson MJ MOC Baron of Bézu
Palma Herald Extraordinary
H.E. Baron Don Anders Bager GC MOC
Aquila Pursuivant
H.E. Don Carmelo Zerma GC MOC Conte di Adernó
Impavidus Pursuivant
H.E. Don Filippo Di Mauro MOC, Conte di Casalrosato
Double Crown Pursuivant
Ill’mo Don Claudio Campo MJ MOC
Dragon Pursuivant
Don Iliya Ganev MOC
San Salvator
Don Sergio Basile MOC